I’m honoured to have inspired the format of this post! It also acts as a reminder for me to read ‘Little Rot’ (and I can be a bit of a thriller head at times so I think I’ll love it) and ‘The Year of Magical Thinking’ which I have ALWAYS intended to read but I just haven’t quite got there yet. It’s also interesting to read more love for ‘All Fours’. When a book becomes as popular as it has done this summer, I always feel a great desire to avoid it. I’m not convinced I’ll ever pick it up, but maybe one day! All round a v successful bunch of recent reads!

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thank you! hope you don’t mind, but i love your newsletter and that format. I totally hear you on a book’s popularity is often a deterrent— i am the same way! i think going in blind for me helped, and that friends whose opinions i trust on literature read it and liked it. Would love to hear your thoughts on Little Rot and The Year of Magical Thinking— maybe in a future newsletter!

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The year of magical thinking is like one continuous gut punch, but so beautifully written

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Sep 11Liked by EJ Johnson

omg honored to be quoted in here 🤩 i can’t wait to read these!!!

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hahaha James i’m honored to know you honestly

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Wrong. I have been both furious and impatient. And now relieved ;)

God in the Woods has been on my list and I cannot wait to read All Fours! Shockingly, I have never read Didion, but she sounds like a must. Thanks for popping into my inbox this morning!

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