If you are here, you are a reader. And if you are a reader, you know that where you read is just as important, if not more so, than what you read.
Where you read is imperative to an enjoyable reading experience. It affects how well you can slip under the spell of the pages before you and be mentally carried away from the confines of this mortal coil. Where you read can be conducive to hours of focused, locked-in reading, or it can be a detriment to your efforts of finishing a single page.
That is to say, some places to read are better than others. Readers also know that reading can be done almost anywhere. In line, while traveling, at home– you understand. So here, I’ve ranked some of the most common places to read from worst to best. Naturally, I feel that I am correct in this ordering, but I do encourage you to read this list closely and then offer your thoughts once you’ve finished. Have at it.
11. On a Plane:
Unequivocally the worst place to read. You always think you’ll get some great reading in on a plane, and you can settle in for several uninterrupted hours to enjoy that fat paperback you bought for an astronomical price at the airport as a little treat for your trip. Wrong. Instead, you will be hunched in your seat, neck bent forward at an unforgiving angle, trying to read.
Invariably there will be a small child screaming, someone mercilessly kicking your seat, or your seatmate will be hogging the armrest, depriving you of any comfort. The in-flight movie will win over– at least you get to wear headphones to drown out the jet engines and misery. End with a bang by leaving your new paperback in the seat pocket in front of you. A classic storybook ending.
10. In the Bath:
This one is tricky because it SEEMS super ideal. We can all imagine reclining in a massive porcelain tub with a glass of wine and a good book. It’s the ultimate mental picture of relaxation and indulgence. But, much like the plane situation, it’s better on paper than it is in practice.
The reality is that it’s fucking hot. I know, plot twist. The water is hot, and you quickly overheat and have to get out. Be honest with yourself– you’re not gonna read in the bath for an HOUR. More like 20 minutes. Also, the book is going to get wet. I know you think it won’t. You’re an adult after all, you’re not splashing around in the tub– but I promise you, it will. Your hand will get wet, you’ll go to turn a page, and boom, you’ve got wavy, wonky pages forever. Bath reading is not what it seems. Cut your losses and enjoy the bath– don’t get greedy with the multitasking.
9. At the Beach:
I feel like I’m asking for it with this take, but I will die on this hill. Beach reading kind of blows. I understand the argument that you’re on vacation, free of responsibility, and (ideally) enjoying nice weather by the water– all of which are points for the beach being a good place to read. And they are compelling, sure.
But the fact that your book will forever have sand embedded deeply in its pages and will be smudged with sunscreen negates all of the good parts. Do you know how hard it is to get sand out of a book? It’s impossible. And, much like the bath, your book will get wet, despite your delusional confidence that it won’t.
Beach reading is good, but it could be better. Mainly if it were not on a beach.
8. At a Café:
Now we’re getting somewhere. Cute as hell!!! Love a café read. Obvi going to enjoy a cafecito and a pastry. BUT still…with the espresso machine going off, foot traffic, and near impossibility of finding a (comfortable) seat, the café leaves something to be desired in terms of reading ambiance.
Now, I know this depends on the place, etc., etc., but I almost always start off reading and end up fully locked in on eavesdropping on the annoying loud talker broadcasting their life story from two tables over. Maybe this is a me problem…
7. During the Commute:
I know you’re thinking, “How does this beat the café?!” but just hear me out. There’s something movie-esque about reading on the commute. Like, when I see a stranger reading on the subway I’m always intrigued; I crane my neck to glimpse the cover and write it down if I don’t know it, I start to wonder about their inner lives if they’re reading something complicated or interesting or heartbreaking. Conversely, I’ll silently mock them if they’re reading something ridiculous, like a business bro reading “How to Win Friends and Influence People” like a true psychopath. But my point is that reading on the commute invites interest! It’s alluring!
But for the reader themselves– there’s something rebellious about taking these final moments of your morning or evening, as you hurtle towards or away from work, wholly for yourself by reading. Reading prolongs that escape from reality and imbues a child-like sense of “just five more minutes!” reading under the covers with a flashlight, but the adult version. Maybe that sounds depressing, but I think it’s a glorious thing to have that guaranteed bubble of time to yourself. I no longer commute and don’t miss it, but I do miss that built-in reading time.
6. On the Couch:
I mean, duh. All around, it is a great place to read. Reliable, comfortable, offers a variety of ways to arrange your limbs, located close to the kitchen– what more could you want? A solid, solid choice for a place to read.
The drawback, I fear, is that you end up in the crosshairs of whatever is happening around you. Say, a partner watching TV, a dog who wants to play, a screaming child, your mother asking what you’re doing, despite it being obvious (I’m fucking reading) – the list goes on. Reading on the couch is a classic choice, but it should be undertaken at your own risk.
5. By the Pool:
Has all the good things of reading at the beach, and none of the bad (sand). No brainer.
4. At a Bar:
An ELITE reading spot if you can pull it off. Muted lighting, a low hum of conversations and music in the background, a glass of whatever suits you best, and a book. Pure bliss. The right bar– not something raucous– can be a cozy, welcome respite from your responsibilities and a truly relaxing place to read, which is why it is ranked so highly.
However, I said, “If you can pull it off,” and that is because if you are a woman reading alone, some douche will inevitably interrupt you, thinking this is a bit you are doing as an excuse to be picked up. If you are that douche reading this (doubtful), then hear me when I say: do not approach this woman. It is not a bit; she wants to be left alone.
If, god willing, you are not disturbed, then a bar is an excellent reading spot. Plus, it looks cool as hell.
3. At a Bookstore:
This one is sort of cheating because you are probably not sitting down to read a large chunk of your book at your local bookstore, but I stand by this one. Bookstore reading is among the best reading, and that is because it holds the promise of acquiring books. You are standing between the shelves, multiple books already tucked under one arm, reading the back cover or first few pages of a book that’s sparked your interest.
Whether it was the cover that caught your eye, something you read about on a substack (🤪), or a friend recommended it– whatever the case, it’s now in your hands and will potentially soon be on your shelves, adding to your growing collection and waiting to be read.
The bookstore is full of hope and promise and shiny new reading material. It’s the bellows that stoke the flames of a reader’s literary appetites. A bookstore is among the best places to read parts of books, read about new books, or get carried away with a new book. If you’re lucky, your local bookstore has a cafe section, and you can plunk down right there and really dig in. I’m open to counterarguments on this one, but be warned, I’ll not be easily convinced otherwise…
2. The Park, The Porch, The Deck (your preferred outdoor area)
Dealer’s choice on where specifically, as our outdoor access/preferred outdoor spot may vary, but god, there is nothing better than reading outside on a beautiful day. It is just sheer and utter delight.
Perhaps you’re curled up with your book on your porch on a chilly morning with coffee before the rest of the house wakes up, sprawled with a paperback on a blanket on a sunny afternoon at the park, or lounging in your backyard with your latest read, book in one hand, cold beverage in the other. You’ll think I’m being hyperbolic, but I mean it when I say that these are the small, beautiful moments that make life worth living.
1. In Bed
We’ve finally arrived at the number one, best place to read. It is, I am thrilled to announce: IN BED!!! Reading in bed is the shit, truly bar none. Why? Cuz bed is the best. There is nowhere more comfortable, nowhere more personal, nowhere you can better escape the rest of the household, nowhere you can luxuriate to your maximum capabilities than in your bed.
I can already hear people saying, “But when I try to read in bed, I fall asleep.” And?? Sleep is one of the other top best things, so what’s the problem? The way I see it, reading or sleeping are two of the most ideal verbs I can participate in at any given moment, and the bed is conducive to both. It doesn’t get better than reading in bed, and given the option, this will always be my number one choice for a place to read.
That’s it! So what do you think? Do you agree with the rankings? What is your favorite place to read? Convince me of a better order for these places in the comments!!
Books of the moment:
✨Heads up fam! I’m using my Bookshop affiliate link for all titles recommended in this newsletter. If you buy them through these links, I earn a commission.✨
📖 Currently reading:
Dancing on My Own by Simon Wu
📚Recently finished:
The Book of Ayn by Lexi Freiman– Objectively excellent satire, but idk, it didn’t grab me. I liked it, but maybe wasn’t quite for my particular comedic sensibilities?
Painting Time by Maylis De Kerangal– Moving, descriptive, and a must-read for anyone who went to art school (or almost went, like me).
👉🏼You should read: Why So Many Millennials Are Obsessed With Dogs (as a millennial obsessed with my dog, it is my duty to share this)
💌 Email me book recs and other literary thoughts at emilygatesjohnson@gmail.com
🛍 Shop all Point of Departure recs (and more!) from my digital bookstore here.
Love the list, but “inarguable”?? I beg to differ. First, couch should be #1, followed closely (but not exceeded by) bed at #2. A couch read gives all the comfort, but not as much chance at sleep which, at least for me, puts an end to the whole point of the exercise, which is to *read*. I love the idea of pub reading - never tried but will have to give it a go. But reading in a book store? Come on - isn’t that just “browsing”? Or better still, “shopping”?
Maybe I need to look at how I define “reading”.
But I endorse 100% your comments that plane reading blows (almost oxymoronic) as does the beach read. Give me a deck by a lake or pool any day.
Personally, I fully disagree with the bar. The aesthetic is cool, but some of us need good lighting to get any reading done and no bars offer that 😭 Everywhere is like "dim ambient lighting", I CAN'T READ LIKE THAT.
But you know what I'd add? The floor. Reading on the floor is unbeatable. Idk why but if I'm lying on the couch and the reading is not working, and I slide down to the floor... The reading immediately works. Top notch.